Xianghe Tengfei Technology Co., Ltd.
Công ty Thương mại
Sản Phẩm chính: Động cơ, hộp thay đổi tốc độ, vị trí động cơ, bộ phận bên ngoài, giảm xóc

Xianghe Tengfei Technology Co., LTD., wholesale distribution of chassis parts, electrical parts, appearance parts, wearing parts, decorative parts best-selling consumer market, enjoy a high status among consumers, the company with a number of retailers and agents to establish a long-term stable relationship of cooperation. Xianghe Tengfei Technology Co., LTD. Distribution of chassis parts, electrical parts, appearance parts, wearing parts, decorative parts complete variety, reasonable price. Xianghe Tengfei Technology Co., Ltd. has strong strength, heavy credit, keep the contract, ensure product quality, with a variety of operating characteristics and the principle of small profits and quick sales, has won the trust of our customers.


Xianghe Tengfei Technology Co., Ltd.


Xianghe Tengfei Technology Co., Ltd.